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How 2021 will affect your brand

As 2020 is coming to an end, we start looking ahead and setting goals for the year following. We promise to work harder to help more clients than the year before and increase our revenue to create a life where we call the shots. However, this year will be different than any other year. We cannot cover with the excuse of the pandemic and shutdowns anymore. It is time to pivot and create a business that serves you in the long term despite the hardships!

Health & fitness tech has been a leading trend in the fitness industry since 2019, but with the pandemic in 2020, governments forcing gyms to shut down, there was an increased interest in online classes that members can do from the safety of their own home.

* “The overall impact of the pandemic has led to an increase in the adoption of virtual fitness,” Catalina Zbar, Founder of Telomere Consulting, shares. “A recent MINDBODY survey showed that in 2019, 7% of MINDBODY users used live-streamed workouts compared with 80% during COVID-19.”

Nicole D’Andrea, MINDBODY certified business consultant predicts “Digital is here to stay, and your ‘run of the mill’ yoga and fitness classes just aren’t enough to cut it online. I think we’re going to see a lot more specialization, and a lot more business owners finally embracing the concept of having a niche. It’s the only way to cut through the noise and stand out,”

(*Future of the Fitness Industry in 2021: Trends, Growth, and Predictions - Kisi Blog)

The whole world is transitioning to accommodate the uncertainty of the year 2021 (because COVID-19 will not go anywhere) with switching to provide services online. It is your turn to rise to the occasion and create a solid foundation for your business that makes your brand stand out and memorable.

How do you do that?

Well, it is not going to be easy. It takes hard work, but I know you can do it because you have achieved so much already with your work ethic. Define your brand to hit a home run in your branding. For your clients to say, "I need it, and I need it NOW!", you need to know & understand your business and build it from the inside out, so come hell or high water, your business can stand the test of time.

"It is not until you get clear and certain about what YOU stand for, that your ideal clients are drawn to you." - Kaye Putnam

Define your brand:

01. Define your character:

  • What is your brand personality?

  • What values does your brand stand for?

  • What is something others in your industry that makes you cringe?

02. Get clarity on your offers:

  • Who is your ideal client?

  • What are your ideal client's struggles?

  • How can you help your ideal client with these struggles?

  • What will your customers experience working with you?

03. Understand Your Cultural Context:

  • Where is your brand in the market place?

  • What is your vision for your brand?

  • Why are you doing all of this?

  • What makes you different from others in the industry?

04. Give them a reason to believe:

  • What are your qualifications for this role?

  • What do people say about working with you?

  • Why should your clients believe that you are the one who can help them?

Once you know the answers, it is time to create the brand identity that aligns with your business goals to stand out in your industry. To help you in the process, I collected some of my previous blog posts below. I recommend you to check them out if you would like to DIY your brand identity.

Building Your Brand Identity blog posts:

The ball is in your court!

If at any parts of the process you feel stuck or overwhelmed, let's hop on a call! Click the button below to book your FREE Virtual Coffee Break consultation with me.