Lilla Loránd Peachee Lilla Loránd Peachee

Olivia Shaffer

Olivia Shaffer

“My favorite part was creating my ICA (Ideal Customer Avatar). The questions Lilla asked to create this person helped me find clarity. Once we had the ICA zoom call, I made slight changes to my posts on social media, to better serve this persona, which helps my business tremendously. My TikTok following grew from 8K to over 100k, and my daily orders have gone up!

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Lilla Loránd Peachee Lilla Loránd Peachee

Dr. Heike Hundertmark

Dr. Heike Hundertmark

“I just started my own company and brand with little experience in the natural beauty industry. I wasn’t clear on my own goals and I wasn't aware of my lack of branding. Lilla helped me defining a clearly tag line, what I stand for, why and who I do this for. Now, I am a lot clearer on where I want to go and feel more confident to work towards that goal of mine to create a multinational natural body care company.”

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Lilla Loránd Peachee Lilla Loránd Peachee

Shanta Johnson

Shanta Johnson

“I needed a professional touch to my brand to prepare for expansion and I didn't want it to be another botched DIY job as I did with my initial branding. I knew from Lilla’s IG page that I was truly going to receive a custom design and I was blown away! One word: obsessed. She took every thing I said and wrapped it into my new branding.”

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Lilla Loránd Peachee Lilla Loránd Peachee

Tamara Wong

Tamara Wong

“If you are in need of assistance with your branding - talk to Lilla! She’s not afraid to ask the tough questions to help you get your brand moving forward!”

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Lilla Loránd Peachee Lilla Loránd Peachee

Éva Loránd

Éva Loránd

“In the beginning, I was unsure how to express myself best visually. The brand strategy session expanded to areas I have never thought of before, and now I can make conscious decisions on how to take action. I believe everybody who wants to be taken seriously in business needs a well-thought-out concept that Lilla can offer!”

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Lilla Loránd Peachee Lilla Loránd Peachee

Éva Raposa

Éva Raposa

“Working with Lilla was super eye-opening, and I can say without a doubt that implementing her feedback will massively impact my personal brand. I cannot recommend enough to speak with her if you're looking to clean up your brand image!”

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Lilla Loránd Peachee Lilla Loránd Peachee

Tania Parker

Tania Parker

"The call went way above my expectations. I'm so grateful for Lilla’s help and the resources given. I understand more about branding, I notice other business brands in a different way”

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Lilla Loránd Peachee Lilla Loránd Peachee

Colleen Tracey

Colleen Tracey

“Lilla intuitively understands that a brand is not just a superficial "look". A brand is an extension of ourselves, who we want to be. I feel so much more able to bring my skills as an artist to my site now! I'm blown away by her generosity and thoroughness. Lilla made it feel simple and straightforward to build a brand. Thank you!!”

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